So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. (Gal 5:1)

 1. Centring Prayer – Spend 5 mins slowly repeating the word “Gospel.” Focus your heart on the Gospel, meditate on it, feel it, know it.

2. He Gets Us – Watch the ‘Rebel’ video (CLICK HERE). How does this ad present the Gospel as a third way and not religion nor irreligion?

3. Bible study - Read Luke 15:11–32 (NLT). Write or Discuss:

a) In what ways does the Prodigal son (v11-23) represent irreligion? Does the  secular blended-spirituality mentality (“spiritual not religious”) influence church attending Christians?

b) In what ways does the older brother (v25-32) represent religion? Why do Prodigal sons that meet Jesus so often drift to become grumpy older and judgemental older brothers in the church?

c)In what ways does the Father (v21-24, 31-32) represent the Gospel?

3. Personal reflection – Study the Table (below). Write or Discuss:

a) Which extreme religion or religion do you struggle against?  

b) Why do you wrestle with trusting The Gospel (third) way?

c) How does religious performance (obey to be approved) distract your growth in Jesus?

d) How does the irreligious licence to sin (disobey to be approved) distract your growth in Jesus?

e) How does acceptance first (not obedience or disobedience) affect your participation in the life of the church? (i.e. Life groups, serving, giving, inviting friends)

4. Deeper reading 1 – Gospel versus religion, Josh Moody (CLICK HERE)

5. Deeper reading 2 – The Gospel affects everything, Tim Keller (CLICK HERE)

6. Final prayers – Read Galatians 5:1 in 3 different Bible versions and pray…

‘Dear God, the older brother lived like a son but possessed the heart of a slave. Lord, deliver me from my spiritual pride that blinds me to the truth of the Gospel. Forgive me for being grumpy, bitter, selfish and superior in my faith. God, the younger brother lived like a slave but through humble repentance discovered that he had the heart of a son. Forgive me for my sin, my performance, my constant excuses, and my incessant selfishness. Help me to remember Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross that dealt with my unsolvable problem and unpayable debt. I want to be free. To be a son and not a slave. I am thankful. I am grateful. I love you. Amen.’

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A Third Way The Gospel Series