
Exodus 34:6, Genesis 3:1-8 (NLT), John 4, Romans 5:10, Romans 12:2
Family of Origin

RELATIONSHIPS #4 - Del Wilksch & Leanne Tanner

Our families are imperfect, so God invites us into His perfect family. While relationships are common, they are often complicated. This series will explore God's superior way for approaching our relationships.


1. Using the Handout provided explain your Family Genogram highlighting any Generational themes, earthquake events and relationships that have shaped you as a person.

2. How did your family of origin share appreciation, complaints, hopes and wishes, and deal with conflict? How does this affect you today based on Exodus 34:6? (punish in the Hebrew means to repeat).

3. Pray for each others' families. For forgiveness, healing of curse & sin, honour of parents, restoration of relationships, etc.