Week 9: The Problem of Time
  1. Watch this Video: How to create a weekly schedule that includes the Spiritual Practices (see above)
  2. Grab a large piece of blank paper – Begin by articulating why organizing your weekly routine to live from the Divine Centre and value practicing the slowed down Way of Jesus is important. Without a clear ‘why’ you will struggle to find ‘how’ to prioritize the 7 core spiritual practices of simplicity, prayer, scripture, silence & solitude, fasting, Sabbath and Living in community in order that in your inner life is deeply formed like Jesus.
  3. Separate your typical weekly activities into two groups: negotiable and non-negotiable. Negotiable activities although important may be flexible or even removed for a time. Non-negotiable activities impact others therefore cannot be altered i.e. work, school runs, church commitments etc.). Be brutal when assessing an activities negotiability, most things are flexible if you want them to be, even work commitments.
  4. Now draw a weekly schedule Monday-Sunday divided into morning, afternoon and night.
  5. Add your non-negotiable activities first.
  6. Add the essential Spiritual Practices – I suggest starting with a minimum 30mins daily prayer, scripture, silence.
  7. Add the ‘Living in community’ practice that should include Sunday church, small group, hospitality, mentoring etc.
  8. If you are ready for the next level add a Sabbath (I suggest this include Sunday church) and a day of fasting as well as an extended prayer/silence session (1 hour plus) and intentional evangelistic hospitality.
  9. Now add back in whichever Negotiable activities can fit. Discard or put aside for now the activities that do not fit.
  10. Analyse your new weekly schedule – Is it realistic? (some need 1-2 nights at home, others need 5). Does your energy, personality, emotional resilience etc capable?
  11. Is it as simple and slow as possible? (this depends on season of life – if you have babies and loads of responsibility and your husband is an elite athlete then it will be slow but full).
  12. Now think monthly/termly – could any of the spiritual practices that don’t fit in a week fit in a month? Could any of the negotiable activities be moved from weekly to fortnightly or termly?
  13. Test the schedule for 28 days – It takes time for new habits to form – the first 2 weeks your emotions will resist, you will have withdrawals from unhealthy habits you’re your mere muscle memory will return you to the past routine. Give it 28 days to set then review, refine and adjust for your life and then give it another 28 days.
  14. Go deeper - Use this brilliant ‘Rule of Life workbook’ from ‘Practicing the Way’ to create an all-encompassing “rule” for your lifestyle. CLICK HERE
Discussion Questions
  1. Why does the speed of greed: Wanting (materialism) – Rushing (Workaholism) – Buying (consumerism) poison the spiritual life so dramatically?
  2. List common excuses people use (especially related to time) for not scheduling the 7 spiritual practices into their week?
  3. Each share how does your current weekly schedule involves the 7 spiritual practices? (simplicity, prayer, scripture, silence & solitude, fasting, Sabbath and Living in community).
  4. Share your experience with this week’s practice: ‘Create a weekly schedule that includes the Spiritual Practices.’ (see below video) As a group you may want to do this practice together. If not or if you haven’t completed it yet – Name one way you are willing to adjust your weekly schedule in order to practice the 7 core spiritual practices better.

Listen/Watch the Sermon

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The Problem of Time
Spiritual Practices Series