
Genesis 16:1-16
The Wall Test

Despite Abraham’s error with Ishmael, he goes through the Wall by faith. Despite this age of chronic scepticism and unbelief every person is welcomed to invest their faith in God’s faithfulness and their trust in God’s promises. This sermon series will explore 7 tests of faith drawn from the life of Abraham, the original believer.

Sermon Application:

  • Read Genesis 16:1-16.
  • Review the ‘Stages of faith’ diagram and talk with God about your current stage in the Faith Journey and what is next for your spiritual growth.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are common wrong ways or external fixes people use to deal with a Wall in their life? Why don’t more people take the internal journey, the right way through the wall?
  2. Review the ‘Stages of faith’ diagram - Name and explain your stage in the faith journey?

  3. Share about a ‘Wall Test’ you have/are facing in your faith journey? How did/will you go through the wall and into stage 4 (inward journey)?