
Luke 18:9–14 (NLT)
Simple Prayer

Life-Changing Prayer #1 - Caleb Nicholes

 To pray is to be a willing beginner. This series explores three life-changing prayers that every Jesus-follower should know. Join us as we launch 2023 with 21 Days of Prayer together as a church family, every day we will stop and talk to God.

Sermon Application
Apply God's word through prayer and action

Pray this Simple Prayer every day this week:

God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.
Lord, help me, I need your grace today.
Jesus teach me, to stop and to pray just because I love you.

Discussion Questions
Answer with friends, family or as a Life Group in order to Grow Together.

 1. Read Luke 18:9-14 - How do Simple Prayers, like the Tax Collectors (v13b), result in life-change and growing closer to God?

2. Share the strengths and weaknesses of your 2022 prayer life.

3. Have you Pledged to Pray for 21 days with the church family? What is your plan to stop and talk to God daily?