
Hebrews 4:7-11 (NLT)
Sabbath Freedom

RESTED #3 - Caleb Nicholes.

Knowing God is knowing Rest. God designed people to be Rested, He even provided the Sabbath Day yet we are often consumed with rushing, leaving us with restless souls.

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Sermon Application
Apply God’s Word through prayer and action.
a) Pray: Read and meditate daily on Hebrews 4:1-11
b) Do: Practice the Sabbath this week.

Discussion Questions
Answer with friends, family or as a Life Group in order to Grow Together.
1. How can the “modern lifestyle” be like restless slavery and void of the freedom to enjoy true rest?

2. Review the ‘Slave to restlessness symptoms .’ Which of the 10 symptoms are your challenge?

3. Read Hebrews 4:7-11 (NLT) - Why is faith in Jesus alone (not works) required to enter God’s Special Rest (v9)?

4. Have you practiced Sabbath recently? If so did have the four elements of stopping, resting, worship and delight? If not, what is stopping you from practicing a 24 hour Sabbath?